Hello Friends,
April 26 is officially Poem in Your Pocket Day, brought to you by the Academy of American Poets — the same folks who bring you National Poetry Month.
Those of you who have been on this list for nine years or more may have seen today's poem before, but I hope it lends itself to re-reading as one of my very favorite pocket-sized (or any-sized) poems of all time.
Hymn for Lota
Close, close all night
the lovers keep.
They turn together,
in their sleep,
close as two pages
in a book
that read each other
in the dark.
Each knows all
the other knows,
learned by heart
from head to toes.
"Hymn for Lota" comes from the unpublished works of Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979) — published in the 2006 collection Edgar Allan Poe & The Juke-Box: Uncollected Poems, Drafts, and Fragments by Elizabeth Bishop, edited by Alice Quinn. This poem is also featured in Marta Góes’s one-woman play A Safe Harbor for Elizabeth Bishop.
"Hymn to Lota" by Elizabeth Bishop was also featured for Poem-a-Day April 5, 2009 and Poem-a-Day April 3, 2007.
Poems by Elizabeth Bishop were also featured for Poem-a-Day April 6, 2008 and Poem-a-Day April 13, 2010.